"Pup O Mania" has descended on Woofers. Ginger's puppies were whelped at our home in Roy on Dec.17th
By the time you read this they will be nearly ready to go to their new homes. We bred Ginger with a really nice Golden Retriever. The offspring of this mix are called Golden Doodles. The breed is now recognized by the CKC. The puppies tend to have the outgoing disposition of a Golden Retriever and the agility and smarts of a Standard Poodle. At the time of this writing (Mid January) 7 of the 8 pups are spoken for already.
We were very impressed by Ginger’s mothering instinct. She began feeding the pups immediately and at this writing she is in the process of weaning them as we shift them over to solid food. (Dogfood Smoothie anyone?)
These pups have had nearly constant human-contact since the moment they were born. I wish I could bring them to the shop with me so you could see what beautiful little critters they are! The puppies need to have all their shots before they’re allowed in the store so, unfortunately, they need to stay at home for now. We do have a webcam set up on the whelping box though, so you can click HERE and see the puppies any time. If you try the link and you don’t see any puppies, it probably means that Lyn or Kailin is cleaning them or swabbing up the constant stream of uh… poop!
While you’re watching on the webcam you may notice that about one third of the floor is covered with newspaper. The pups are already starting to figure out that the newspaper is the potty area. Now if we could just train them to wrap it up nicely and take it to the trash.