This year is only a couple days old, but we are already excited for what it may hold. We will be introducing new services at Woofers, including Anesthesia free dental cleaning. Do you have your New Year's resolutions made yet?

For myself, a certified couch potato, it is to walk at least 300 miles this year with my dogs. It's one of the areas of dog care I am least good at. I already feed my dogs the very best with a raw food diet, train them frequently, and keep them well groomed. I walk them most days--except when it's raining. Or snowing. Or cold. Or hot. Or windy. Or if I'm busy. My hope is that making a New year's resolution will help me choose to pick up that leash even when it's not a perfect summer day. (Which it usually isn't.)
Are you planning to make a dog-themed New Years Resolution? If so, what is it?