Written by A.M. Kuska, a groomer at Woofers
On April 1st, a steady stream of dogs entered Woofers Grooming &
Goodies, not for the usual bath and haircut, but to get their teeth as
clean and shiny as their coats. A mobile Anesthesia Free Dental set up camp in our
break room and gently and painlessly cleaned the teeth on 20 pets
ranging from Dachshunds to Keeshonds.
The results of the cleanings were dramatic. Many of the dogs had never had a professional cleaning before, and the tartar build up was fairly heavy. They came out wagging their tails with teeth as white as when they were puppies.
The veterinarian, who assists with the dental, cheerfully answered the questions of each owner individually, and also went over problem areas unique to the dogs. A few dogs had serious dental problems like broken teeth that could not be addressed without anesthesia. These dogs were referred to a clinic for a cleaning under anesthesia.
The anesthesia free cleaning was such a positive experience that we have invited them back, and when we did I brought my dog in to have a cleaning.
Leia is a chihuahua, and only had a very small amount of build up, but I decided to get her teeth cleaned anyway because she isn't a big chewer like my other dogs. The veterinarian made friends with Leia right away. Leia came out wagging her tail and happy as can be. Her teeth look beautiful, and Leia went from never chewing anything to enjoying bones just like all my other dogs.
The difference in her happiness is striking, and she only had a little bit of tartar on her teeth. I am very happy with my dog's anesthesia free dental, and I highly recommend it.
The anesthesia free dental clinic will be coming once again May 6th. Dogs need to be scheduled with a $25 deposit before this date.