The Great Summer Slim Down!

 Most of us don't pay too much attention to how much our dog weighs, or what that means in terms of pet health. It can be a touchy subject to bring up, so you may not learn your dog is overweight until getting the weight off turns into a huge ordeal. Luckily, slimming your pet down can be as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Portion Control.

Dogs who are given unlimited access to food will usually end up eating more than they should. You might not think much about how often you fill up the bowl, but it can really add up. Depending on how small your pet is, he might just need 2-3 ounces a day.

Check your dog's food label, and follow the instructions carefully. If you decide to feed your dog a treat, reduce the amount you feed for his meal equal to the amount of the snack.

2. Exercise.

Even a short stroll to the end of the block and back can help your dog lose weight. If your dog can't go very far without becoming exhausted, choose frequent short walks rather than one long one. If you have a pool, swimming is also a great way to help a dog lose weight without stressing his joints.

3. Research.

This might sound like a funny step, but it truly is the best one for your dog's well being. Never take one person's word for it in regards to your dog. Research everything about your dog, from breed activity requirements, to supplements, to what is in the food your dog is eating. Talk to your vet, your groomer, and everyone else who handles your dog, and ask them for help with your dog's weight. You don't have to do anything they say, but you never know when a nugget of advice will prove useful.

I hope you find these tips useful, and your dog ends up with a slim and trim figure in time for summer!